It is of the utmost importance that employees are kept safe and remain healthy when engaging in international activities. Employers have a duty to protect their employees’ health, safety, and welfare whenever they are at work. Health risk profiles are determined by a variety of characteristics, such as individual health, travel-associated risks, local risks in your destination country, risks during planned activities, and risk awareness.

Companies and organisations ought to prepare their employees through preventive medical services. By looking through the TLA-model (Traveller, Location, Activity) we are able to cover multiple essential components that may have an effect on employees’ health and medical risks when working abroad.

Medical examination: the greatest health risk for people is (and remains) sickness and cardiovascular disease. With the use of a medical examination, one is able to prevent unwanted consequences. The medical examination can consist of multiple components. Apart from checking the employee’s medical history, a physical examination, a urine and feces examination, technical blood examination and vaccination (including vaccination advice) can be conducted. Furthermore, there is a shipping or offshore examination also among the possibilities.

Medical quick scan: during the medical quick scan, we conduct a mapping of health risks and local healthcare for your employees prior to their arrival in the destination country. Advice and recommendations on additional measures will be proposed to ensure the health of your employees and to mitigate (potential) health risks.

Medical audit: the medical audit consists of a site investigation, focusing on healthcare quality, accessible medical services, logistics assistance and repatriation, and the possibility to set up a site clinic (including a staffed emergency post, equipment, medication, and Golden Hour stabilization).

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