Traffic accidents remain one of the major safety hazards in foreign countries. Expat Preventive is providing driver’s trainings to drivers working for European embassies in Bangladesh, says Christiaan Oldenkamp, director of Expat Preventive.
What kind of lessons are the drivers getting?
“First of all we’re teaching them how to be a good driver. Sure, they’re selected for their driving experience and good references but driving lessons in Bangladesh simply aren’t up to the standards of many European countries. So, we’ll give that a quick overhaul. Next to that we teach them how to give their cars a good inspection, tyre pressure, oil levels etc. And we teach them to always have a spare tyre and a first-aid kid with them. They will also receive a thorough first-aid training.”
How are drivers reacting?
“They enjoy it tremendously and they find it interesting. It offers them the opportunity to improve their skills. They know what’s expected from them. And their passengers are safer and more satisfied. They value that too.”