Providing a total solution.

One of the most important banks in The Netherlands had a very broad request for travel risk management, consisting of technology, intelligence, assistance, security support & advice and training. Also, it included monitoring of travellers and medical- or security response in case of an emergency worldwide. This in order to fulfil their Duty of Care to the maximum.

The customer was looking for a supplier who could deliver all items mentioned above and could guarantee a worldwide coverage with a proven track record. This supplier had to work from a customer’s perspective and be able to support the implementation of all processes to ensure their operations.

As a total service supplier in the field of international security risk management, we have extensive experience across the full spectrum of the field and set a high corporate standard regarding Duty of Care. With over a decade of experience with assistance, training, development of travel applications and advising organizations in international security risk management, we are the right partner.

Forth Global enables the customer to fully comply with its Duty of Care in the form of:

  • Up to date intelligence, analysis, and risk assessments on medical and security risks globally.
  • Assisting the customer effectively preparing employees for their upcoming travels (e-learning, face to face training, travel briefings, and more).
  • Travel tracker capabilities.
  • Ensuring travellers remain informed and updated during their business travel.
  • Ability to provide (first) medical- and security response to employees wherever in the world.
  • Ability to provide worldwide assistance on the ground and repatriation during or after an emergency.

The client chose to engage with Forth Global. The main reasons that stood out included:

  • Our Alarm Centre has an NPS score above 50.
  • A dedicated emergency number with a bespoke protocol.
  • Forth Global being accredited by the insurance company used by the client.
  • Strong, solid, and long-standing relationship with client and proven track record.
  • Extensive experienced network with local security partners and global coverage provided by the Astrum Alliance.
  • The travel application and assistance centre are adaptable towards clients’ content, wishes, and policies.
  • The application is web-based and provides one platform – one app solution.
  • 35 years of experience in worldwide medical and travel assistance emergencies.
  • A cost control team specialized in preventing up-coding and overtreatments.
  • All assistance coordinators speak Dutch, English and another modern language.

Our service extended throughout the process with the client. Through our web-based platform we are able to contact travellers pro-actively in case of an emergency. In case of a red alert, our operators receive a notification of staff involved and we will contact them. Scaling up where needed and ensuring full care and the unburdening of the client.