The threat of terrorism has increased worldwide over the past few years. Security advisor Jacob van het Slot and trainer Roderik Sommerdijk of Expat Preventive followed an intensive training in Rome to become anti-terrorism officers. As such, they are optimally informed about the latest trends and innovations in the field.

Why a specific training about anti-terrorism?

Jacob: “It is important to understand how terrorism develops. And to know the latest developments in technology that are of use in risk assessment.” Roderik: “The questions about terrorism from our clients are increasing. We want to provide them with the best possible answers.”

What should people know about anti-terrorism?

Roderik: “That as a team, without all kinds of bells and whistles and without making all sorts of investments, you can already do a lot to prepare yourselves. For instance by making a risk folder: where are exits that you might use? Are there any safe rooms or how can they be made easily? What can you do to improve safety when there is a risk of car explosions?

Jacob: “Be prepared. Terrorism is not something that just happens to you. In many instances, the target has been selected and inspected beforehand. When a company or organisation is operating in a country where the threat of terrorism is high, you can substantially diminish the risks by having good security measures.

In what way are you going to apply the lessons you learned for Expat Preventive?

Jacob: “We will integrate the newest trends and best practices in our trainings and in risk advisory consultancy. Because of this training, we are able to use the most up-to-date standards.”

Could you already give us one piece of advice? The insider tip?

Roderik: “Distance is key. Nothing works better in protecting you against an explosion than stand off distance.” Jacob: “The impact of an explosion exponentially decreases per meter. Create, for example, a no-parking zone around your building. And as a traveller: ensure that the distance between your room and the entrance is great. Choose a room in the back, on the fifth or sixth floor.”